Venerable Bambalapitiye Gnanaloka Thero is chronologically 46 years old today. His seniority in terms of rains retreats (vassa) is sixteen. After spending years in solitude as a mendicant monk, a few years ago he began formal teaching in Sri Lanka. His first Dhamma Mission overseas was in April 2017 to Australia. His first Mission to Europe, UK, USA & Canada began on the 1st October.

Today, on the 18th October 2017 a group of his devotees had organized a simple meritorious event & chanting of paritta, presided over by Venerable Gananaloka’s fellow-monks of the same temple. Photographs taken at this simple event show the Venerable Thero’s parents, members of the Sri Sambuddha Mission Trust and a group of devotees in participation.

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